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Transistor 5pcs

12.00 ৳ 15.00 ৳ 

Transistor 5pcs
BJT transistor that can be used for any general purpose requirements. The transistor can be as a switch and also as an amplifier. When using as a switch it can handle load of upto 100mA. 100mA is quite fair amount of current when driving other components in an electronic circuit. On the other hand if used as an amplifier it can deliver 400mW and the maximum DC current gain value is 520. It is available in different DC gain values which can be identified by looking at the last alphabet after the transistor number. If the last alphabet is “Q” the tranisistor gain will be 130 to 260, if “R” the gain will be 180 to 360 and if “S” then the gain will be 260 to 520, therefore you can choose it according to your requirements.

Features and Specification of Transistor:
Type: NPN
Segment: AF based Amplification and switching
Collector to Emitter Voltage (VCEO)= 25V
Collector to Base Voltage (VCBO)= 30V
Emitter to Base Voltage (VEBO)= 7V
Collector Current (IC)= 50mA
Min hFE = 130 for Q variant, 180 for R variant, and 260 for S variant (IC = 2.0 mAdc, VCE = 5 Vdc)
Max hFE = 260 for Q variants, 360 for R variant, and 520 for S variant (IC = 2.0 mAdc, VCE = 5Vdc)
Current-gain-bandwidth Product = 220Mhz (Typ) (IC = 2mAdc, VCE = 10Vdc)

Applications of Transistor:
AF Amplifier system
AM Transmitter
AF Tuner
Oscillator Driver
Medium Speed Switching applications
Switching loads under 100mA
Audio Preamplification
Darlington Pairs
Low current ICs output
Audio Amplification
Various type of signal amplification

Package Include:
5 x selected NPN or PNP General Purpose Transistor


S9014, S8050, 2N2222, BC547, BC557, C828

SKU: N/A Category:
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