Arduino UNO R3 (ITALY)
599.00 ৳
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Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on Atmega328. There are 16 digital I/O pins (6 of them are PWM out), 6 analog input pins, a 16 MHz crystal oscilator, an USB socket, a power socket, an ICSP connector and reset button on the board. There are the all essential parts on the board for microcontroller operations. The board can easily be connected to the computer via usb or can be used with an external adapter of battery.
Arduino Uno has an Atmega16u2 (It was Atmega8u2 on the Rev 2 model) usb – serial chip for programming and communicaiton with computer via usb. made various innovaitons on the Rev 3 in comparison with Rev 2 to be useful and stable. The Arduino Uno board has been a referance model as both software and hardware to all the other Arduino models. You may see the historical development of the Arduino boards by hardware index.
Microcontroller: ATmega328
Operating voltage: 5 V
Supply voltage (recommended): 7-12 V
Supply voltage (limits): 6-20 V
Number of digital I/O pins: 14
Number of PWM pins: 6
Number of analog input pins: 6
Max DC current for each I/O pins: 40 mA
DC current for 3.3 V out: 50 mA
Max DC current for 3.3 V pin: 1 A (if supplied with an external adapter)
Flash memory: 32 kB (ATmega328, 0.5 kB is used by bootloader)
SRAM: 2 kB (ATmega328)
EEPROM: 1kB (ATmega328)
Clock speed: 16 MHz
Length: 68.6 mm
Width: 53.4 mm
Weight: 25 grm
Package Includes:
1 x Arduino UNO R3
1 x USB cable